Add Employees

One of the firts steps to take is to add employees, you can do this by clicking "Emplooyees" on the left menu, then selecting "Add Employee".
Fill all Employee's data (Username, Email and Password are mandatory), then check every type of permission you want to give to him.

Add Ingredients

Ingredients are the base for every dish, dessert, drink or fixed price menu you will make, to add ingredients click on "Ingredients" on the left menu, then select "Add Ingredients".

Here's every field in detail:
  • Name:The ingredient's name
  • Cost per unit:The ingredient's cost for every unit added to a dish, this is important for dish cost calculation and profit estimation
  • Price as addition per unit:The sale price for every unit requested as addition to a table
  • Storage unit:Unit of measure (Kg,L,oz, or simply unit name, such as "eggs")
  • Storage quantity:Ingredient's current remaining units
  • Warning quantity:Threshold amount to show the ingredient in the "Warning List" and to highlight remaining units in red when added to a dish
  • Available:Whether to show the ingredient in the printed menu

You can also check every allergen so that it's shown when the ingredient is added to a dish, or list the allergen in the printed menu.

Add Dishes

Once you have prepared all your ingredients, you can start making dishes, desserts, drinks and fixed price menus.
For example, to add dishes, click on "Dishes" on the left menu, then select "Add Dishes".

Here's every field in detail:
  • Name:The dish name
  • Labour cost:The average manpower cost to make the dish, useful for cost calculation and profit estimation
  • Price:Dish sale price
  • Dish type:Dish category (such as appetizers, main course etc)
  • Available:Whether to show the dish in the printed menu

You can also check vegan, vegetarian, celiac and frozen food flags, these will also be shown in the printed menu and in the dish list.

Create Tables

Almost ready! Now you need to create some tables, these will be added both in the 2D and 3D interface.
To create a table, click on "Tables" on the left menu, then select "Add Tables".
Just give it a name or a number to distinguish a specific table.

Manage Tables With The 3D Interface

You can manage tables both with the 2D and 3D Interface.
The last one could be very useful to display istantly the status of each table and show exactly where they are, this way waiters know how to move even without knowing where each table number is located.
The 3D view synchronizes with the server every 3 seconds and updates:

  • The table status: Available (Green), Taken (Red), Booked (Yellow), Payment Request (Blue)
  • Chef Icon that appears when there is something to prepare for that table
  • Waiter Icon that appears when there is something to serve at that table

The interface commands are subdivided in 2 parts, to the left you will find main commands such as:

Return to the 2D Interface
Save all edits
Delete selected object
Add pavements or walls
Edit selected table
Enter object movement mode
Enter object scaling mode
Enter object rotation mode

While on the right side you will find the following commands:

Move object to the left
Move object to the right
Move object backward
Move object forward
Shrink object on X axis
Grow object on X axis
Shrink object on Z axis
Grow object on Z axis
Rotate object counterclockwise
Rotate object clockwise
Deselect current object/Close menu

The 3D interface can be used both from a computer or a mobile phone, camera and selection commands are the following:

  • Select object: Double click left mouse/Double tap on mobile
  • Move camera: Hold right mouse/Swipe with 2 fingers on mobile
  • Rotate camera: Hold left mouse/Move with 1 finger on mobile
  • Zoom camera: Hold middle mouse or scroll/Pinch with 2 fingers on mobile

Remember that when you add tables from the 2D Interface, they will be positioned by default in the center of the 3D scene, so you need to select and move them to the desired position.

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